Sunday, October 11, 2009

Xelyna's Lolita Week #12

With Summer just around the corner, Spring may be the last few weeks where wearing any clothes will be bearable in Brisbane e___e But in the meantime, I'm enjoying wearing lolita!

The other day I went out to the city for my friend's photography assingment. She is photographing lolitas doing every day things for her university project. I've so far done a couple of photoshoots with her, including hanging out my washing, shopping at a supermarket, and standing in line for sushiXD When I get the final pictures, I'll be sure to post them here!

This is what I wore this week:

JSK: Emily Temple Cute
Bolero: Innocent World
Socks: Emily Temple Cute
Shoes: Bodyline
Bow: Innocent Wold

And one more shot from the other day (I didn't get a body shot:/)


  1. I am so envious of your warm weather. It's slowly but surely turning to winter here.


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